An article examined whether research that used the concept of the social relations of housing provision was implicitly centred on men and neglectful of women, drawing on research into housing provision in rural Scotland.
Source: Madhu Satsangi, 'Feminist epistemologies and the social relations of housing provision', Housing, Theory and Society, Volume 28 Issue 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Dec
The findings were published from an evaluation of two pilots in Scotland that used co-production as a method of working with disabled people to ensure that their needs were addressed in local housing strategies
Source: Anna Evans, Mandy Littlewood, David Henderson, and Sandra Grant, Evaluation of Local Housing Strategies Co-Production Pilots with Disabled People, Scottish Government
Date: 2011-Dec
The Scottish Government published a 10-year housing strategy for older people. It stressed the importance of supporting people to remain at home independently for as long as possible.
Source: Age, Home and Community: A strategy for housing for Scotland?s older people: 2012-2021, Scottish Government
Links: Strategy | Scottish Government press release
Date: 2011-Dec
A paper examined the relationship between housing and mental health. It outlined a number of routes that mental health providers and housing associations might wish to explore together in order to improve quality and reduce costs.
Source: Housing and Mental Health, Mental Health Network (NHS Confederation)
Links: Briefing
Date: 2011-Dec
A study found that extra care housing could improve quality of life for older people and save public money. Extra care housing schemes offered a 'viable alternative to residential care'.
Source: Ann Netten, Robin Darton, Theresia Baumker, and Lisa Callaghan, Improving Housing with Care Choices for Older People: An evaluation of extra care housing, Personal Social Services Research Unit/Housing and Learning Improvement Network
Links: Report | Technical paper | Inside Housing report
Date: 2011-Dec
An article reported findings from an in-depth evaluation of extra care housing for older people. A careful reappraisal of cost components and a more integrated approach across housing, health, and social care was required, particularly in a climate of public funding cuts.
Source: Theresia Baumker, Robin Darton, Ann Netten, and Jacquetta Holder, 'Development costs and funding of extra care housing', Public Money and Management, Volume 31 Issue 6
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Nov
Researchers examined how local planning authorities were determining their future housing requirements for both market and affordable housing.
Source: Sarah Monk, Anna Clarke, and Fiona Lyall Grant, Providing the Evidence Base for Local Housing Need and Demand Assessments, Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research (University of Cambridge)
Links: Report | Appendices
Date: 2011-Nov
A report examined the outcomes of a programme designed to develop innovative approaches to delivering housing options/advice services, by offering housing advice to people with low and medium housing need as well as those with acute need, and also by linking housing advice to wider advice about a range of issues such as training and employment, financial management, and access to benefits.
Source: Carol Hayden, Kairika Karsna, Maha Khan, Rachael Thompson, Anna Clarke, Fiona Lyall Grant, Sanna Markkanen, Sarah Monk, Christine Whitehead, David Mullins, and Bruce Walker, Evaluation of Enhanced Housing Options Programme: Final Report, Department for Communities and Local Government
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Oct
A report reviewed the evidence on the cost-effectiveness of preventative support services that assisted older people with care and support needs to remain in their own homes.
Source: Nicholas Pleace, The Costs and Benefits of Preventative Support Services for Older People, Centre for Housing Policy (University of York)
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Oct
A report reviewed evidence on the social and financial outcomes of the Supporting People programme. 90 per cent of local councillors and housing officers surveyed for the study said that cuts in the programme would put vulnerable individuals at risk and create costs elsewhere in the system.
Source: Jonathan Carr-West and Lauren Lucas, Promoting Independence: The future of housing related support, Local Government Information Unit/Circle
Links: Report | Circle press release
Notes: The Supporting People programme provides housing-related support services to enable vulnerable people to live independently.
Date: 2011-Oct
A study examined how to define the boundaries of roles and responsibilities in housing with care schemes.
Source: Jenny Pannell and Imogen Blood, Boundaries of Roles and Responsibilities in Housing with Care Schemes, Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Oct
Researchers evaluated the teenage parent supported housing pilot. The pilot involved 7 local authorities providing 'enhanced support packages' for teenage parents, with a particular emphasis on those aged 16 and 17 and those not living with parents/carers. The pilot was associated with improved outcomes for teenage parents in a number of areas, most notably by helping them gain and sustain suitable accommodation, and via improved confidence in their own abilities as young adults and parents.
Source: Deborah Quilgars, Sarah Johnsen, Nicholas Pleace, Jennifer Beecham, and Eva Bonin, Supporting Independence? Evaluation of the teenage parent supported housing pilot – Final report, Research Report RR158, Department for Education
Date: 2011-Sep
A report by an all-party group of MPs called for housing, health, and social care to be integrated in order to help older people maintain their independence. Aids and adaptations installed in the home could prevent the need for institutional care and instead enhance quality of life in retirement. Some people were waiting more than two years to have aids and adaptations installed in their home, and there was a shortage of grant for home adaptations.
Source: Living Well At Home Inquiry, All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People
Links: Report | Inside Housing report
Date: 2011-Jul
A paper discussed indicators relating to housing and the living environment for use in a survey of poverty and social exclusion.
Source: Glen Bramley and Kirsten Besemer, Housing and the Living Environment Indicators in the PSE Survey, Working Paper 6, Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK Project
Links: Paper
Date: 2011-Jul
A new book examined housing issues for disabled people.
Source: Laura Hemingway, Disabled People and Housing: Choices, opportunities and barriers, Policy Press
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Jul
A new book examined the links between housing and social inequality, including topics such as: housing and economic inequality; concentrated poverty in social housing estates; neighbourhoods and estate regeneration; whether mixed communities help tackle inequality; inequality over the life course; homelessness; migrants, housing, and inequality; and disabled people and their need for accessible housing.
Source: Isobel Anderson and Duncan Sim (eds.), Housing and Inequality, Chartered Institute of Housing
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Jun
A new book drew on research from the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States of America to examine how lifetime attitudes to housing had changed, with new population dynamics driving the market and a greater emphasis on consumption. It also considered how the global financial crisis had differentially affected housing markets across the globe, with variable impacts on the long-term housing transitions of different populations.
Source: Andrew Beer and Debbie Faulkner with Chris Paris and Terry Clower, Housing Transitions Through the Life Course: Aspirations, needs and policy, Policy Press
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Jun
A paper said that there remained a serious housing shortage facing England. It estimated that 234,000 additional households were forming each year, adding to the existing backlog of unmet housing needs.
Source: Alan Holman with Christine Whitehead, New and Novel Household Projections for England with a 2008 Base: Summary and review, Town and Country Planning Association
Links: Paper | Inside Housing report
Date: 2011-May
A report called on the coalition government to deliver a robust national planning framework for Gypsies and Travellers, in order to spur site development.
Source: Andrew Ryder et al., A Big or Divided Society? Final recommendations and report of the panel review into the coalition government policy on Gypsies and Travellers, Travellers Aid Trust
Links: Report | EREN press release
Date: 2011-May
A report said that urgent action was needed to avoid a growing crisis in the provision of housing for older people. There were only 100,000 specialist private retirement homes: but by 2033 there would be an extra 3.5 million households aged over 65 years, a 60 per cent increase. Without suitable and affordable accommodation, these demographic changes could result in significant housing problems for elderly people.
Source: Michael Ball, Robert Blanchette, Anupam Nanda, and Peter Wyatt, Housing Markets and Independence in Old Age: Expanding the opportunities, Henley Business School
Links: Report | Reading University press release
Date: 2011-May
A report examined the future of extra care housing provision, including its alignment with the agenda of personalization, choice, and individual budgets in health and social care.
Source: Tim Brown, Housing an Ageing Population: The Extra Care Solution, Keepmoat
Links: Report | Keepmoat press release | DMU press release | Inside Housing report
Date: 2011-Apr
A report examined good practice in enhanced housing support for teenage parents.
Source: Identification of Good Practice in Enhanced Housing Support for Teenage Parents, Foyer Federation
Links: Report | Foyer Federation press release
Date: 2011-Apr
A report said that Scottish Government guidance on assessing the housing needs of an area was often vague and ambiguous rather than clear and authoritative.
Source: Newhaven Research, Wagging the Dog: Assessing housing need, Chartered Institute of Housing in Scotland
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Mar
A report examined demographic and policy trends to support informed decision making regarding future housing need assessment for older people in Northern Ireland.
Source: Chris Paris, Analysis of the Future Need and Demand for Appropriate Models of Accommodation and Associated Services for Older People, Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Mar
An article said that housing research needed to understand working-class housing 'consumptions' on their own terms, and not simply in relation to middle-class housing consumptions.
Source: John Flint, 'Housing studies, social class and being towards dwelling', Housing, Theory and Society, Volume 28 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Mar
A report examined the effectiveness of housing support services in helping people with mental health problems to improve their mental health, maximize independence, sustain their accommodation, and participate in community life.
Source: Nicholas Pleace with Alison Wallace, Demonstrating the Effectiveness of Housing Support Services for People with Mental Health Problems: A Review, Centre for Housing Policy (University of York)
Links: Report | NHF briefing
Date: 2011-Mar
A briefing paper said that low-to-middle earners were Increasingly shut out of home ownership and social housing, and were becoming more reliant on the private rental sector to provide an affordable, long-term home.
Source: Meeting the Housing Needs of Low-to-Middle Earners, Resolution Foundation
Links: Paper
Date: 2011-Mar
A paper examined the interaction between 'place' and 'race'. Racial divisions in wealth meant that housing quality was often very unfairly distributed by race, and a number of housing issues disproportionately affected black and minority-ethnic families.
Source: Danny Dorling, Housing and Identity: How place makes race, Better Housing Briefing 17, Race Equality Foundation
Links: Paper
Date: 2011-Mar
An article examined the workforce implications of the provision of housing with care, focusing on older people with high support needs.
Source: Jill Manthorpe and Jo Moriarty, 'Housing or care workers? Who is supporting older people with high support needs?', Journal of Integrated Care, Volume 19 Number 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Feb
Researchers examined the costs and effectiveness of accessible housing registers in a choice-based lettings context, focusing on the processes that addressed the needs of tenants with accessible housing requirements.
Source: Colin Jones and Mark Lordon, Costs and Effectiveness of Accessible Housing Registers in a Choice-Based Lettings Context, Department for Communities and Local Government
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Feb
A report examined older people's housing, care, and support needs, focusing on the commercial opportunities that they offered to housing providers.
Source: Breaking the Mould: Re-visioning older people's housing, National Housing Federation
Date: 2011-Feb
A report examined the ways in which local councils and their health partners were addressing the challenges involved in the 'joint strategic needs assessment' of the housing and support needs of vulnerable adults.
Source: Jean Rollinson, Joint Strategic Needs Assessment: Vulnerable adults, housing and support – A collection of case studies, Local Government Improvement and Development
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Jan